campervan man

By campervan

End of the world

This shot is from the Nugget Point lighthouse. We left Dunedin and have moved on to Invercargill. Most of the journey was through the Caitlin National Park, an area of farmland, moorland and the sea. Curios Bay was the best bit of seashore I have seen for a long time, huge waves breaking against rocks and cliffs, the wave tops being blown off just before the crash in on themselves. We viewed the whole show from a camp site right on the edge of the world. The individual pitches were cut out from areas of plants that looked like big Yuccas, perfect wind breaks. We could have spent the whole day, or week, just watching the show but we had to keep moving. Now in Invercargill, not investigated yet, job for tomorrow.
I was going to post a different picture but preferred this one. The alternative shot was of a street sign we passed. The small country roads do not have No through road signs, they simply hang a "No Exit" sign on the bottom of the street sign. Unfortunately this also was done on the sign to Cemetery Road, the No Exit sign was probably a bit superfluous.

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