campervan man

By campervan

Not a good day

The day started badly, we opened an email attachment that claimed to be an invoice, that we then realised was wicked. It was a stupid thing to do and we would never of done it if we were at home but we are spending money in all sorts of places it seemed quite possible. Anyway we then spent a less than happy couple of hours talking to banks and credit card companies explaining what happened and trying to prevent them from blocking the cards. I think we succeeded, if not you will be getting begging blips next.
Having sorted this out we were contacted about our previous accomodation because they had a problem with our payment. We have spent much of the day messaging and the Motel trying to sort it out. Not keen to just pay them again.
And it looks like someone has "keyed" the hire car on the back wing. Fully insured so should not be a problem but still annoying.
Anyway things come in threes so that's my lot.
Invercargill is a strange place, the suburbs are a mix of old and new, almost all single storey, well maintained and with niece gardens. The high street however is shabby and neglected looking. If you look above the street level the buildings have a lot of interesting architectural features showing it was once a prosperous place,now Fallen on hard times. The large Pak-n-Save at the end of the street could help to explain where all the High Streets customers have gone.
Visited the famous Bluff signpost (4810km to the South Pole and 18958 km to London). Unfortunately arrived just after a tourist bus and all the girls needed at least 30 pictures each in differing posses with the sign. I have a number of pictures of them myself.
Tomorrow will be a happier day, going into the mountains to Ta Anau.

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