A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


The day started well with a 7-0 victory and 2 goals for Jackson at football. Despite the cold on the touchline a warm cup of coffee and all that cheering kept us parents warm. The day has ended even better with the satisfaction of having hit send on the photobooks for the kids for Christmas which have been hanging over me for the last few weeks. Got in with one day to go on the ordering which is the latest I have ever left it so fingers crossed. I won't even pretend that I have learned any lessons and that it won't happen again next year...

In between those two causes of celebration there was the creation of ballet hair and taking Anna to her exam, choosing a Christmas tree and packing for my trip tomorrow. I'm off to New York and Boston for four days. It is mainly a working trip, though good work stuff with lovely people so not work as a dirty word kind of way. And it is one of my favourite places in the world. And I think I am finally feeling excited again....when I booked it a couple of months ago I was very excited; since then I have run through various emotions that have largely centred around exhaustion at being very busy and the additional pressures a trip at this time year seems to add and guilt that everyone wants to come too and they can't - well, they're not. Anyway, thanks in part to Anna's excellent packing advisory service I am pretty much set to go and am back to excited. With a hint of nervous about what it is I will forget, or have forgotten to have done. Not quite as extreme as 'excified' which was the word fusion Anna used to describe the excited / terrified emotional combination she felt before her ballet exam.

Lesley x

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