A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Big Christmas Tree

A friend suggested that the first thing I should do on arriving in NY was to check out the Rockefeller tree. Being the obedient gal I am I did. Rather hilariously as I was wandering there I was mildly concerned I might miss it....

I didn't. It is glorious and magnificent and the ice rink and all the fairy lights in the plaza and the light shows projected on the sides of buildings all made me feel very Christmassy.

Today has mainly been about getting here. Dropped the kids off at school, tried not to be too sad about going away and focused on the good things. Actually didn't have time to focus on much as I dashed back home for final packing and sorting out before heading to the airport. Uneventful flight in all the right ways. Though a long time since I've done long haul during the day and thought it a bit weird how dark they made the cabin. Did have a small nap which probably helps explain why I am still just about managing to keep my eyes open. I'm determined not to sleep before 9pm.

Arrived at the hotel to check emails to find that apparently no progress has been made on the work thing that was causing me grief and stress on Friday. I would be concerned as I have a big call about it when I wake up tomorrow. But one of the benefits of 8 hours on the plane was some thinking time and am feeling much more able to respond calmly to such events. It's amazing what just having a little space can do.

So here I am in NY. Wandered the streets for a while partly to keep awake and partly to soak it all in before finding a hostelry for a rather fine and restorative steak and red wine.

And now just a little read of my book before I am allowed to sleep.

Goodnight y'all
Lesley x

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