Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Just for a change

I did get out for a walk and even took some snow scenes (extra photos) but as I am enjoying doing this Jigsaw I thought I would share this.

These jigsaws have been hiding in a cupboard . It’s been a long time since they were attempted, upwards of a decade for this one and more like a quarter of a century for the 2000 piece of Berlin at night (top left).

I do like the panorama shape and it’s an attractive shot. It’s Portloe and I do find it quite amusing that the photographer has either not noticed the lady just leaving the toilets top left centre or has left it as a loo joke.

Tonight it’s sad and glad  on TV , sad that it’s the last Vera with our favourite Brenda Blethyn in the lead and glad we get to the end of Les Misérables... is it just the adaptation but last episode  unseen  it’s just been miserable - why do I not like our hero ?

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