campervan man

By campervan

Hanging a wave possibly

After yesterday's whingathon today has been brilliant. We moved on from Invercargill to Ta Anau in the mountains of Fiordland. Our route followed the coast and, as it was a short driving day, we followed almost all the tourist signs. Found lots of beaches, like 'this one called Colac beach, view points like McCrakens Rest and lots and lots of lakes and mountains. An oddity was Clifden Suspension Bridge, not quite up to the version near Bristol and the Otahu Flat School House. We were told about the school by a Dutch couple we met during our lunch stop. They are doing the same journey as us but totally the other way round. The school was one room, only closed in the 1960's, still have the desks in place and has been restored in the last few years. The different thing about this place was being open to everyone, without any one monitoring visitors. The blackboard was still on the wall, with messages like "Shirley Brown -I was a last day pupil, such a good job well done" and "My grandmother taught here". It was a very real historical exhibit.
Ta Anau is in a stunning position with mountains going down to a lake that is one side of the town. Accomodation is the first Airbnb of the trip and the change in quality is unbelievable. Off to Doubtful Sound for a full day trip. Hoping for some good pictures

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