Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Scribes or Pharisees!

Today, apart from getting back on line howbeit with a very slow dongle!, it was a day for Snuffles and Warp to get back on track with their 'home education package'' so they accompanied GK and I to Winchester's Christmas market.

A fantastic day weatherwise, with a watery sunshine, keeping us dry and cold, but being adequately kitted out, temperature posed no problem. When it did dip, we helped our thermals out by indulging in a wonderful mug of mulled wine!

After hustling and bustling and elbowing our way through the huge crowds, who had the same idea as we did for today......we stopped for a quick feasting of our faces at one of the ample food stands selling festive fare..paused momentarily to watch the ice skaters cutting a dash on the frozen wastes, posed as extras with Mary and Joseph in the life size Nativity scene. (not sure how 2 travellers from the east wearing ski jackets fit in).....then concluded our day with a visit to the the inner sanctuary of the great Cathedral itself.

Hard to imagine the busy'ness of the outside from the tranquility of the inside! A precious few moments drinking in the centuries of history encapsulated in every brick from which the vast edifice was carved. While GK captured the fan vaulting and I perused the mini epitaphs on the plaques lining the flagstones in the centre aisle, Snuffles and Warp busied themselves with a session on the history of illuminated lettering and calligraphy!

Very proud of themselves they look too!

Finally.......homeward bound to steaming mugs of creamy soup, crusty rolls and a glass of wine followed by 'heads I win, tails you lose' over who gets to eat the chocolate behind Day 9 of the scrumptious Cadbury Advent calendar!!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

Was going to fill in my days I missed now I'm up and running with my dongle...but this pic took forever to upload so will do the rest tomorrow!!

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