Crucifix in focus

One of my colleagues was unable to do his DAMHS call last night, so I filled in. It was the busiest night I've had for phone calls. Some nights in the past couple of years were more difficult because of the nature of the things I was called about. Last night, the nature of the calls was not the problem. It was the number of times I got woken from the deep stages of sleep. The longest uninterrupted sleep was less than three hours. 

Surprisingly, I haven't felt too bad today, which was good as there was more to do in the crisis work than has been the case in past weeks. It was satisfying work, as positive steps were taken to initiate treatment changes that should produce benefit.

No extra energy, however, so no lunch time walk, and no evening run. The deck provides opportunities, fortunately. I've chosen to feature as my blip a photo of two flower heads on the crucifix orchids. Focussed while the background has been allowed to blur. 

Just as the sun started to drop below the horizon, I took the photo I have put up as an extra. A similar photo did feature some weeks ago. Its not a view to tire of.

S is out at her book club. The Blokes decided to defer a week (we usually start on the same day, and are then out of synch as the women meet monthly, while the blokes have a six weekly meeting. I've had a light meal on the deck while reading an editorial from the ANZ Journal of Psychiatry, about the effect on Mental Health legislation of the UN convention on disability rights. The recently completed Inquiry in NZ has recommended to Government that the MH Act is repealed, in accord with the UN Convention.

Reflecting on it, it does seem to me that we might avoid some of the problems which arise from a rights focus, if we adopt the approach taken by Nussbaum and Sen to the basis for a just society. It is one where institutions are structured in such a way that every citizen has the opportunity to maximise her capabilities, as she chooses. More thought needed.

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