A great start

I thought I would have lots of opportunity to take photos today, as we were across in Newcastle - no! So this is one I took first thing this morning before we set off and, as the day has really been about weather, it’s appropriate.

When we set off this morning the sky was beautiful, but temperatures were low and the car was iced up. Then, as we travelled along the A66, the sun rose and became quite bright. In fact it was at times dazzling and made driving tricky. As we reached the A1 and headed for Newcastle, we found we were driving through mist/fog all the way, again a bit of a problem.

A lovely day as we arrived in Newcastle but, after a quick cup of coffee, I was heading for our building and a day indoors on the fourth floor. Three excellent sessions and lots of interesting conversations in between. Then I emerged at 3.30 to find it was raining. And it continued to rain all the way home. A day of weather.

Whilst I was in lectures, Gordon headed out on the first day of his plan to walk the Hadrian’s Wall Path - starting from the East and in bits. He seemed to have this section well planned, using the Metro and buses to get himself there and returned at the end of his 8 miles. He had good weather too.

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