is this some kind of joke?

the weather appears to be taking the p out of me today.
the forecast was awful so, instead of sending everyone off by bike this morning, I drove them to various bus-stops and schools so that I didn't have to load four bikes into the car to bring them home at the end of the day when the weather was awful.

When Mr. S and the Middlest left, it was fine to cycle, so we felt cheated. Especially me - or maybe him too, as he had to leave ten minutes early and managed to forget his flask of coffee...then, when Littlest had to go, I was glad I was driving her down the road as the snow was bad. It got worse for Biggest. Then the sun came out. And I felt p'ed off. Then it got colder and horribler and I though "ahhh, now I'm glad I drove them, now the horrible weather is coming" but then it disappeared again...then it came back....then it disappeared again....I just hope that there's a howling blizzard happening when I pick up Mr S later or I'll never hear the end of "the day he had to get up ten minutes early and still forgot the coffee and all because I believed the weather forecast" ;-)

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