Roly's Life

By Roly

Panoramic Baby!

I have been nagging suggesting gently that Ben get an iphone5 after seeing Madame's blip BUT today I learnt I can do it ony phone!!!!!!

LOOK!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^

How clever is that?! Obviously I need to practise (practice?) a bit but this is absolutely frigging marvellous!

Today I was not needed in Reception class as they were rehearsing. So I went to Clare's to finish the Brownie decorations for our tree for The Festival of Christmas Trees! Very kindly she took me to collect Red and drop us at home.

Still feeling productive, I rescued the mid sleeper bed from the loft and built it in Red's room with his assistance. He was very excited, so excited he has since the school run, spiked with a temperature of 39C and gone to bed without any tea!!!

Could be a long night...

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