
How dark was it this morning? Felt like getting up in the middle of the night!

Spent the morning dragging ClareClare round Falmouth to tick off a gazillion chores. Home in time for my Tesco delivery then more strike through a on the 'to do' list.

Collected 3/4 of the children and took them for shoes - successful in that only 1/3 of them needed new shoes, result!

Quick cheeky then home for toad in the hole and some more strike throughs on the to do list! Even got Ally to rugby and Bella to Guides almost on time.

Now curled up in front of Saturday's Casuality, bags packed for college tomorrow, 4 children in bed and breakfast things out ready for the morning. I will need to rest on Thursday after all this productivity!!

*clearly part of yesterday's productivity but it will keep Grandma happy ;-)

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