And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

anniversary day!

After a late night at mums see yesterdays see here cant believe how tired I am but it was worth it, Its the best anniversary we have had with one thing and an other. We got so many gifts cards and money we feel so lucky :)

mum and Will picked us up early to carry on the anniversary celebrations and we went to pickering & Thornton le dale, looked round all the shops then went for a breakfast, we then looked round the market where we bought some feta cheese could not resist it just melted in your mouth, the best I have ever tasted, we also got persuaded to get some baklava, had a tiny taste when we got back, not keen and its a good job with my diet. We bought a loaf of rosemary and olive bread too, the guy said the rosemary was still growing at 2 am this morning! I also bought my self a cream shawl -scarf cream with a fur trim it sounds funny but it looks great. Dave was happy with the gifts I got him and like wise he got me some perfume, and a Ted baker set with about 10 different lotions an potions (trying to tell me something!?) haha he also got me a kenwood machine for the kitchen what I have wanted for a while but we couldn't afford it, im so lucky and a very happy lady. I get weighed tomorrow will let you all know. Im not sure after all the wine I had but we shall see.

love c x x x

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