
By Madchickenwoman


I was supposed to be letting the new hens into the main plot with the other hens with  a fellow coop member ( The Warrior Cook  - she is always on some cause and is a mean cook who has gone to Greece and France to work in the refugee camps and is off to Portugal and Spain later in the year to train others to cook in such places) However my IBS was giving me gripe and it was pouring with rain - luckily she phoned an hour before we were due to meet saying she was on her way and would do it solo! Phew! 
 Late in the afternoon I got round to giving Oscar his proper walk. Off to the Tamar Trails where everybody I met was going back to the carpark! Oscar was delerious being out in the woods and went dashing off into the woodland, jumping over the undergrowth and gathering sticks and branches! This is the top path we take near the end of the walk before we drop back down into the woods for the last stretch back to the car park - sheep in the fields either side so Oscar on the lead just in case! We managed to get back as dusk fell and it was straight to the hens. Well the new girls are not mixing with the old ones! The old ones went  into their coop as it got dark and the new ones came over to eat the corn they had left. They are so funny - they are not afraid of the dark and do not see it as their cue to go to bed! But they will go in if I gently herd them! They are all very friendly too and love being picked up and stroked!
It was dark by the time I got back to Oscar  waiting in the car. He's not been back on the plot since he chased the hens! But at least he is getting used to being left in the car or more usually  at home for longer! I will reintroduce him to the plot when the weather gets nicer and he can be on my plot with me, hopefully helping me dig! 

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