Sunset from Scott’s bench

A very cold and icy start ,luckily David had to catch a train too so we walked down the hill together and caught the bus to the railway station. A beautiful slither of a moon with Venus and Jupiter in a line above the Firth.
Thectrain was on time and I found a comfy seat by the window, I was warned not to sit in the front carriage as it feels the cold especially over the mountains.
A beautiful journey Southwards.Sunshine most of the way and where the fog had frozen on the trees they glistened brightly.Fog started to appear as we touched Perth and there must have been ice particles in the air which fell like glitter as the sun hit them.
Into Glasgow and I had a wander round the Museum of Modern Art , particularly interested in a display of work by Margaret Tait , a film maker and poet from Orkney.The first Scottish woman to direct a feature film.
On to the Willow Tearooms for soup and a cheese Scone and a good cup of tea.
Still an hour till Mike arrived so I sat on a bench to people watch. It was not long before some ladies from the Destiny Church started chatting to me.Quite an interesting chat about their life’s and beliefs.
I then went to the bus station and waited in the freezing cold for Mike. Not sure how the homeless survive in conditions like this , day after day !
Mike arrived and we went to our hotel, quickly dumped our bags and went for a walk in Kelvingrove Park. So pretty with the sun going down lighting up the trees and buildings.
We found ‘Scott’s Bench’ placed in memory of Scott Hutchison a singer with the band Frightened Rabbit who sadly committed suicide last May.We sat there, listening to a few tracks as the sun finally disappeared in front of us.
A quick rest at the hotel and then we were off in search of Food. Had mozzarella and tomato to start and then lasagne .
A walk to the Hydro to see Snow Patrol. A fab concert with amazing lights and songs old and new had everyone singing along.

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