Infernal light pollution

I wasn't going to go outside tonight but clear skies are too difficult to resist. However, there was no telescoping, just some wide field shots so I could do them quickly then go back into the warmth of the house. Can't shoot to the West as there is a particularly obnoxious street lamp right at the back of our house which floods the view with nasty white light. To the east, there is the pollution from Manchester and surrounding areas. South and North - houses! At least they frame the shot :-)

In the shot you can see Perseus, Auriga, Taurus (including Jupiter lurking around Hyades, and Pleiades twinkling nicely). It was a beltingly clear night overhead.

Am now to my bed. My arch-nemesis is affecting a particularly horrific attack on me this evening, which surpasses even my last lot of post operative pain. I am going to lie down, fill myself full of various painkillers, cover myself in heat pads and hope that it might have eased by the morning. However, I know that this is but a pipe dream as it is escalating.

My little mantra about it being soon enough that it all gets sorted is not having any effect today.

Wishing my brother and sister in law lots of happiness in their new home...they finally have a house after years in flats (lovely as they were). I couldn't be happier for them - particularly the prospect of sitting in THEIR garden is something to look forward to!

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