campervan man

By campervan

Ahoy there landlubbers

We went to Pancake rocks on our journey up the west coast of New Zealand. This is described as the most popular tourist destination on the coast and I was therefore expecting a repeat of our recent visit to Lake Mathison. I was delighted to find that, although busy it was not crowded and we could take time to look at things and photograph them.
The place got its name from the curious way the rocks have eroded, making them look like pancake stacks.
The school of dolphins turned up at just the right moment.
Earlier in the day we stopped at Hokitika and visited the beach. Again it was covered with drift wood but here were lots of "sculptures " some twice as tall as me. It was all rather strange, a bit like the Steampunk museum but in wood not metal. I also had my first New Zealand pie here, peppered beef. Small but perfectly formed and very tasty.
Longest drive today, longer tomorrow up to Farewell Spit

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