
By Igor

another picture, another story

Back when Anniemay and I were first walking out together, she spotted this box in my house.  She said to a friend, in answer to the question; "what's he like?"  

"He's got a box for his loose covers.  Why would anyone want a box for their loose covers?"  

Anniemay has a thing about loose covers and our burgeoning romance could have easily been short-lived.  

Before this box became a make-piece stand for my chop-saw, I played in a band called Loose Covers.  (We played covers, but in a loose style .....) This box housed my amplifier when travelling to gigs and then provided a handy platform for the amp to stand on when playing.

Fortunately, dear reader, she was happy enough with my explanation.  And that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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