Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


After breakfast Thomas left to go to Cambridge to watch the varsity Power Lifting Competition. We had the link on Youtube and were watching live throughout the day - so strange to be chatting to Thomas on the phone while seeing Adam on the screen, either preparing for his lift of doing the lift. He did well today, his top scores for squats were 192.5kg, 127.5kg for bench and he has just achieved 250kg for deadlift. Not that I know what this means but Thomas tells me he has done okay. I still get that sick feeling in my stomach watching him lift, even if we are not in the room and it is via a video link.

It was raining and miserable all morning, so I played around with these tulips, taking a few photos. Now at the end of the day it is sunny and bright but I cannot be bothered to go out to get different photos, so the tulips will have to do.

It's another busy week and it is half term on Friday - Thomas is going to Belgium on a choir tour on Friday, they are singing in churches/catherals in De Panne, Bruges and Ypres. He will join us on Monday night in Switzerland for the rest of half term.

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