Playing with the snow

Several household jobs today. One of the heaviest was, that I decided to get rid of the softened ice of the front yard today. Hitting the snow and ice into pieces with full metal shovel was surely therapeutic, but a hard job. Carrying it away under roses was even harder task. Many of the neighbors came chatting, it was nice of course!

I tried to clean the street too a bit, but snow was too heavy and there was some too much of that too: 15-20cm layer of white half icy soft porridge - kind of heavy snow was making driving car and even walking was a challenge.

I drove the car to my husband's job however, as he will come back home by night and has heavy equipment with him. Quite a task to drive. Like you'd crawl through the street, car waving like a ship in cross sea.

In the evening the plough finally came. What a gift to us, that the young driver had time for us too..! These are our angels here, I recon. Without snow ploughers heavy job this society would freeze under this white shit.

Look! How nice is to drive or walk here now!
You only need steel staples and go!

Only less than three months (March, April) left for this winter. During May we will normally get rid of the snow...


Ps. My knees are sore, but I can cope with meds. Hard to walk though.
My son's girlfriend is finally getting better after 1,5weeks in this horrific virus. Tired she is, but better anyway.

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