An Emergency Day
Our daughter and her family have had a rough few days all suffering from ’flu. Eldest granddaughter was off school last week and son-in-law has been off work for the last couple of days (and ill all weekend as well). Of course the baby has not been sleeping so they are all in a terrible state.
Late yesterday we had a call from our daughter to say that they needed help. Husband went back to work, and so I took myself off down to Doncaster. Daughter and baby were still asleep when I arrived - waking up late morning, both exhausted. Dogs needed walking and eldest granddaughter had to be collected from school.
As I was not sure if and when I would get the chance to blip anything, I got a banker blip in just before I left.
These are just a few of the different bundles of fabric I have been working on (just one of each style) - they were at home and available to blip! We have had great success with bundles like this at the shows - it makes an easy choice for people as the colours and ranges are preselected (by Mrs madwill) to coordinate. It is also quite a ‘cost efficient’ way for customers to buy them - and we get to rotate a lot of stock :-)
We do take a large range of fabrics on the bolt as well - ready to cut, and also a large number of single precut pieces. We also have plenty of patterns, kits and various sundries to take.
In case you were wondering what a ‘Fat Quarter’ is - it is created by cutting a half a metre (20”) off the fabric bolt (which is usually about 42-44” wide) and then cutting this in half - so the result is pieces approximately square - a quarter of a square metre. This gives quilters a good size piece to cut shapes out of. A ‘Thin Quarter’ would be a piece about a quarter metre long cut off the fabric bolt - but would be about 10”x44” - the same area of fabric but not so flexible for cutting out shapes.
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