Snowdrops in the Churchyard

I wanted to try out my new lens this morning, so I stopped off at Falmer village before going to the gym.  I tested it out by taking a few shots at 14mm and then at 140mm just to try it out and I'm very impressed with the range, it'll be ideal for those days when I don't want to take all my lenses out with me.  

I went into the churchyard where there was an abundance of snowdrops (sadly in a shady area), and lots of birds, so I hoped to see a robin, but they were teasing me today,  I could hear them signing, and I saw the odd one, but when I went to take a photo they'd fly off.   

After my gym workout I headed home to get ready for work and have some lunch and then caught the bus into town.  Work was busy and whilst dealing with a patient, I saw someone come in, they smiled and nodded at me and looked familiar, but I couldn't put a name to the face.  It turned out to be a very well known rock star who I knew was a patient, but had never seen before, but as this person didn't have an appointment, I wasn't expecting to see him.  Anyway, we had a chat and he was very nice.

I didn't finish until 8pm and I'm back there at 8am tomorrow morning to open up, so as soon as I got home I organised everything for in the morning, done my blip and now it's time for bed!

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