A Work of Art

This morning I had a session with Karin the lymphodema therapist and then had 45 minutes to kill before I was due to start work, so nipped to Stoneham Park.

I saw a photo of this mural on Instagram a little while ago, and it’s in the park which isn’t not too far from work. It’s incredible and I hope it doesn’t get de-faced. Unfortunately I had a bit of an accident and when I opened the gate to the park I trapped my thumb, right on my nail! It’s still sore so I hope I don’t lose it!

Work seems to be getting much busier which is good but there just don’t seem to be enough hours to get everything done. That’s good though, I’d rather be busy.

As I drove home along the seafront I could see the starlings murmuring, and they were giving a great display. I was tempted to stop, but it was already 5.15pm so it was a bit late and by the time I’d have parked up, they probably would have roosted, so I didn’t bother.

Apparently there’s now 9 cases of the Coronavirus in the UK, and they’re not all in Brighton. We had a meeting at work yesterday on precautions to take in the clinic - the main thing being regular hand washing and using anti-bac wipes on door handles, desks, phones etc.


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