Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It's my Birthday today but I didn't tell anyone at work... It was nice for it to be like 'any other' day - even if there was a bit of Valentine talk. I was doing what I've doing for the last days... This lime plant looks much happier now! Still a few leaves to clear, but it was nice to spend the hours at work taking care of this one. :) My supervisor and I agreed that I would be starting my days doing this. Then I'll have some structure and know what to do. Of course, if they need my help for something else I'm happy to do that. But, it's very nice to know what to start my day with. :) I did some overtime today, the time just flew... and I was thinking 'just one more leaf...just one more, and one more...' and whoops half an hour extra was gone. The lime plant was happy, though... :)
I also took over 8000 steps today, nearly 8500. Good to know! I'm going to continue wearing my step counter (or what's it called... ;) ) on my work days, just for fun.
I'm just taking it easy this evening. No celebrating today, perhaps later this week on next weekend. I did buy some cake with me from the shop, though... :)

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