Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Flipped my lid yesterday and it carried on into this morning. (JazzyB will probably confirm I'm not pleasant when angry, I apologise again to her for my abruptness. Mwah Mwah!)

When Flossie destroyed my lunch I went into the kitchen and opened a cupboard door, three items fell out onto me. Later I went into the lounge, the two items Mrs Booty had leant against the other side of the door fell over and scratched a piece of furniture. Booommm! Wheeee Phizzzzzz!

End of Mr Nice Guy. The shed was emptied, the loft was emptied the garage loft was emptied, the garage was emptied, the spare room was emptied, the kitchen was emptied and finally I was emptied.

We have moved 26 or 27 times. A few bits of this rubbish have made it thus far, no more. Once complete I took Mrs Booty on a tour of her shed, her former compost heap and cold frame area, her garage, (yes! she drives I don't) her spare room, her sewing area and then my kitchen which had become her place for stashing absolutely anything. I even got rid of the horrendous bloody carpet from the conservatory.

It is now possible to open a drawer, open a cupboard or wardrobe and not be struck or inundated with layers of clothes, tins, boxes etc.

Point made I am now cream crackered. I remain vigilant. If it doesn't get used it goes in the bin. That's me in the bin then.

Some of you with warped and twisted minds may have made this image your screen wallpaper. Just an update. My jilted niece has received her copy in Adelaide. She is exuberant and happy, her mother is dubious about her daughter ogling naked chaps. I took the other copy over to the pharmacy in the surgery yesterday. The waiting room was full; the pharmacist and I became the focus of some very unwell attention when she took the calendar out of the envelope. I had never heard her shriek before. :-))))

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