campervan man

By campervan

A very moving exhibition

Wellington museum Gallipoli exhibition, this is one of half a dozen action scene models, all two and a half times life size. They are totally life like, they have veins and hair and sweat, filthy nails, blood and ingrained dirt
Between each of the tableau were copies of reports and diary extracts and appalling statistics. A lot of the diary extracts had an audio commentary making it even more moving.
The models are not just random mannequins, they represent actual soldiers in real actions. The soldiers are named and their diaries are used for the audio in their area. It is chilling to look at these guys whilst hearing in their own words what their live was like and what was happening in the freeze frame we are watching. These two were privates Rikihana Carkeek and Friday Hawkins. No details are given of their two dead colleagues lying at their feet

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