Growing old disgracefully



My photos have been rubbish for months.  It's a combination of still working out some things on the new camera, cold fingers, shaky hands, and being too bloody idle to work out the right settings.  

However, while I've been producing out of focus images, I have never felt more focussed.  It's always been more about the journal for me and now, with the Prof's medical situation it seems more and more important to record day to day, not just the images and experiences but also the feelings.   I've cut back on a lot of commitments due to the uncertain timescale of treatment, giving us a lot more time together - and it has never been better, nor have we ever been so much in love - and that in spite of the fact that the 23 years we have been together have all been such a joy. Maybe it's because we met late in life and knew ourselves well, but we've never had the minor rows or 'bad patches' that I hear other's speak of. I'm always silent in these situations where women get together and moan about their men.  

Anyway, I have a new determination to keep the journal going, even if the images are duff and consist of last minute shots of the kitchen sink. This one is from our walk in the woods today.  It was deliciously misty, with light streaming in ribbons through the mist.  I tried, and failed miserably to capture that, but who cares? I saw it, I loved it and it's burnt into my retina for ever. 

WARNING: This journal could become seriously sloppy. 

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