The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Nocturnal Canine

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was VERY tired today. Aside from the overindulgence last night and going to bed late, Murphy thought that I might want to wake up and give him some attention. Five separate times. Eventually, he settled on the floor next to me with his front paws wrapped round my arm which was hanging out of the bed.

It was a lovely day so The Mini Princesses and I took him on a very long walk late morning and then spent the rest of the day sitting around reading and eating cake!

Dinner was considerably more sober tonight. Penny and Albert were telling us about the cruise they have booked and how this kind of holiday is perfect for them - ‘We weren’t sure about cruising, but a couple of friends, who are experience cruisers, came to tell us all about it and it works REALLY well for us.’

I had to bite my lip very hard to stop myself from laughing.


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