The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Card Shark

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We arrived in Banchory late afternoon for a couple of days with Penny and Albert.

To be honest, the evening went in a whirl, mainly due to the amount of wine consumed. The Duke was also visiting and after dinner, the seven of us spent the evening playing cards.

Drunk card playing is very funny as the play is unpredictable. I love it when everyone is at the stage where mildly funny things become HILARIOUS. When The Duke read out the final scores, he referred to Penny as ‘The Talking Vineyard’ and we all lost it with fits of the giggles. To be honest, I think it’s all part of a ruse as she ended up with the top score. I’m just waiting for her to suggest a small flutter.


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