
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. The photo says it all! Barry is still in hospital, and Jezzie is missing him...bless her!
Apparently, it was a bit more than I had thought. That bruising was caused by a hematoma in the stomach, and that is why the bruising was getting worse, and spreading. However, it has been Barry's breathing that has given them the most concern. He has been on a nebulizer 4 times a day, and they are reviewing all his medication. This is why he is still in hospital. I think he may well be coming home tomorrow late afternoon though. Myself and our cats have missed him terribly! The house is not the same without him. I have been up to see him in the hospital, and he is doing well. He is cracking jokes at the nurses, and patients, and having them all laughing! He is enjoying his food and the care he is getting is first rate!  What I find sad though, is that he went to his doctor at our surgery the day before he was admitted to hospital, and nothing was suspected! He said the steroid had probably caused the bruising, or leaning on his chair, and it would go away soon.I spoke to the consultant at the hospital, and she said that the steroid Prednisolone only causes bruising when used long term. NOT after only 5 days! We therefore wasted precious time, and poor Barry being in all that pain too! Thank goodness Katrina acted when she did...bless her!
Anyhow, he is ok now, and will be home soon. Thank you everyone for all your loving support and kind words/best wishes. It has meant a great deal to me.
Take care.
Love Theresa x
PS; I apologise for lack of comments lately, I will try and catch up soon, but I have sprinkled stars to you all.x

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