
By Cigs

Portobello High Street

"Ain't Gone Yet"

The story - there's a graffiti gathering at the wall in Leith next weekend; I was there today painting out the old stuff in preparation for the big event (Rock 'n' Roll the Dock)

I got stuck into painting and bit by bit got chatting to others who were painting (you don't want to get too close and get the splatters and spray from others but you know, it's a social occasion....)

Eventually we got 3/4 of the way along the wall and this guy next to me goes 'I can't paint this out, it's mine' - I looked at it and it's by Sehven25; he who sent me this one from the tail end of last year. So we got chatting some more and he said 'yeah, there's a new Cigs in Porty; just appeared."  Ears pricked up 'oh yeah...?'

So he described this one which had pretty much stood the test of time but recently Serum had painted it out. So this is Cigs' response to someone painting out his sole remaining throwie in Porty. 

It was all I could do to keep painting and not drop the roller and head off in search of it....but restrain myself I did but once the wall was done, off I went and here's the shot.

Now all we need is a guest appearance from the boy wonder at the wall next weekend to further underline the Ain't Gone Yet message.

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