
By biddy

Playing with the grandchildren. Back blip.

We made our usual trip to see the family today. 
I love spending time with the grandchildren. Hectic but enjoyable!
We made ginger muffins, (supervised by granddad and myself.)
Licking out their bowls, for all three of them at the end, when the cakes are in the oven, is such a timeless pastime! 
    Following this our granddaughter dressed up like a robot,  in a tutu,(!)  with a toy supermarket wire basket on her head. 
She declared herself a "Tidy Bot" asking each of her siblings and myself, what they would like from the "shop" then going to the toy box and producing plastic carrots, a wooden birthday cake with removable slices, (as it had been her birthday a couple of weeks ago,) plastic ice-cream cones, and wooden slices of bread. 
When we had "eaten (using plenty of suitable munching noises) the "Tidy Bot" brought a long a large yellow plastic laundry basket and proceeded to drop everything we had been given back into it and took it away. 
Meanwhile, after that finished Toby, (3 in two weeks) got out 3 chairs and we were commanded to sit on them.
Toby was then "Dr Panda". 
He dispensed  imaginary "food" from a large circular old tin, with a flip up top, using a toy metal ladle and a large yellow plastic spoon.   
Of course he "fed" his favourite granddad first and when I asked if I could have some food please, the answer came back "NO!" 
It was very funny.  I decided to pretend to have a major tantrum and they all found that hilarious, dissolving into giggles and laughter, my granddaughter pronouncing that I was a really good actor! (Missed my vocation!).
I had to have two more "tantrums" (!!)
I was however "fed" !! 
        A quiet interlude followed when the cakes came out of the oven and had cooled sufficiently for each of them to take one to eat. Each of their cakes had  different coloured baking case so they knew which ones they had made. 
   Sammy had a quieter time writing a story on granddad's laptop. The two older ones love to write stories. 
    Granddad  was carted off to the settee in the lounge and told to lie down, where he was covered by a snuggle blanket, and was ministered too by Nurse Libby and  "Dr Panda".  
      He had his "broken" arm suitably "bandaged", with Toby perched on the back of the couch watching. 
     I took a photo. I love to watch them using their imaginations. 
      I could go on but it would make a long list! 
Their new sister will arrive mid March. 
    We left for the long drive home at 6.15. pm thankful to be back, although later than expected, having encountered a serious accident on the way, passing the police and traffic officers at the scene. The ambulance had passed us beforehand. 
      Always makes me think about our other son.............


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