Dress Sense? - What Dress Sense

 Her outfit looks as weird as her daffodil.

With the schools being shut today and tomorrow we have the monsters...… and PD.
SWMBO walked PD over in the morning (the start of her getting out exercising again?) while I supervised breakfast.

The Cygnet suggested a game of Scrabble.
He and I won …. despite him giving away all sorts of clues and word placements.

After lunch Squirrel and I Took PD for his walk and she 'hid' a couple of her painted rocks - one of them under the fairy tree...…. probably the most popular spot in the woods.
I liked the splash od colourful fungus on the fallen log.

After we got home we nipped out to The Larder to drop off the pictures (no date arranged for doing the shots properly as the boss is off this week ……… Chef recons it will mean more work for him - moaner!). 
Of course we stopped for a drink and some cake before heading home and spending the rest of the afternoon playing Monopoly.

No idea what we will do with them tomorrow.

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