Into the Rainforest

Gas in my daughter's truck (she paid)...35.00
Treats and toys at Dollar Tree...4.00
Lunch at Sam's Club...5.60
2 tickets to the new Lego movie...11.00
A tub of popcorn (we snuck in a soda)...6.00
The chance to spend President's Day with my grandson...priceless.

We went to a new exhibit about the rain-forest, set up by a local museum. It was designed in a maze, and you had to answer rain-forest questions correctly to keep moving. (We took a few wrong turns.)  A lot of things for kids to climb on and walk through, and in a separate area...20-25 antique cars. a entry for county residents.

After surviving the rain-forest, we went to the new Lego movie. (I was prepared to not like it, but it was actually quite cute.) 

Nice to spend the day with Merrick.

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