
By Legacy

Olive Tree

Found this creative Christmas tree at our local olive oil/balsamic vinegar tasting shop which, by the way is a really fun spot. I thought the tree made of bottles was very clever and festive to boot. The name of the place is clever too: "Drizzle".

I've spent several fun hours here since they opened and I am still a long way from tasting every olive oil and balsamic vinegar combination possible. They provide baskets with little chunks of bread for dipping in samples and you're welcome to spend the day just going around the room, more than once if you want, mixing and dipping to your heart's content.

So far, I'm stuck on the Japanese Roasted Sesame Oil for stir frying and then there's the Whole Fruit Lemon Fused Extra Virgin Olive Oil with a touch of Honey Ginger Balsamic for a salad, and if you want to get really creative, there's Blackberry Balsamic from Italy or Organic Buter Olive Oil. There's even a Chocolate Balsamic that beckons.

I'm telling you, it's addictive. I hope you have one of these places in your area.

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