
By Legacy


This is what happens if I don't get the blinds open fast enough to suit Lizzie so she can do her morning yard check. (I blipped the serene view of this moment on Nov.29). I don't know what she saw that got her all excited, especially since it was dark and raining. I couldn't decide which view to blip -- this one, or the view from inside of her substantial back end with the swishing tail. She finally untangled herself and decided that whatever it was that caught her attention wasn't worth it after all. Moments later she was curled up on her heated bed purring away.

I never even got out of the office again today. Busy, busy, busy. So I was glad I snapped this before I left the house this morning. Snuffy was almost a super blip because he was nose to beak with Howie the stuffed raven on the bed this morning but I wasn't fast enough. I'll see if I can't get him to do it again in the morning. Howie may be stationary but Snuffy moves pretty fast so it's a long shot.

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