Too tired to swim & more toilet training problems

This morning Ann had a plan. The plan was to leave me in my crate late afternoon while she went for a swim. Apparently looking after a puppy all day is very time consuming and now Ann is too tired to go for a swim.

…..................And who on earth created the toilet training programme for puppies? Every single thing Ann has read about toilet training puppies says that puppies need to toilet about 15 mins after eating and playing. I must be the exception to the rule! I'm very good at toileting when I first wake up in the morning. I go straight out onto a bit of grass that we don't think other dogs use and do what I have to do. Then I have my breakfast. And then everything goes downhill!!!

Today I had early lunch because we were going out. I had lunch at 12pm instead of 1pm. Between breakfast and lunch I went out three times. And three times I just faffed around and didn't do anything. Between breakfast and lunch I had quite an exciting time. I played with my toys and Ann's friend, Susan (in this Blip), popped in for coffee and a bacon roll and made a lot of fuss of me.

At 1pm we met Ann's friend, Kay & Bluebell the Staffie, for a walk at Cramond. I'm allowed to walk on pavements now but I won't be allowed on grass, mud, sand etc for another month. Also we were out for about an hour and a half and that's far too much exercise for me, so I walked a little bit and went in my stroller for a bit. Did I toilet when I was walking? I did not!

When we stopped for a coffee I met a cat. Ann wants to introduce me to as many new experiences as possible and the cat was with a lady who walks it on a lead. Ann said, 'Please may my puppy meet your cat.' The lady said the cat would probably hiss at me but Ann just held me in her arms so that I could see it. The cat meowed a bit but I wasn't really that interested in it.

After that we popped to Kays house so that I could do a bit of training in her garden. I was allowed a bit of playtime first. And thank goodness............................. I did a wee and a poo. Yay! I know, I know, that's far too much information. Ann was sooooooo pleased with me I got some little bits of cheese. Does anyone else have a three and a half month old puppy that can go SEVEN hours without going to the toilet????? And no................... so far today I have had no little accidents in the house!

I did a little bit of training after that. Ann is trying to teach me the words, sit, wait, come.

By the time we got home, Ann was exhausted. She said, 'Trixie, I can't be bothered to go swimming now. You have worn me out. However I'm going to pop you into your crate for an hour or so because I need you to get used to spending time in your crate every day.' Ann popped to the shops and then came back and started making a chicken curry. I was in my crate and I could smell chicken but I wasn't allowed out until she'd finished, when I had a mad half hour playing with my toys. Puppies are supposed to want to go to the toilet after playing?!  I don't!

And now it's after 6pm. I've just gobbled up my dinner and have fallen asleep. In half an hour Ann is going to wake me up and take me out to the toilet again. I bet I won't want to go.

PS – Ann read that puppies can sleep up to 20 hours a day??? I don't need anything like 20 hours sleep a day. Having said that, I am sleeping right through the night and so far when I've been in my crate I've always been clean. Yay!

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