
This morning I went to my 4th Adolescent Dog Training Class. Hmmmmm.............. Ann's not actually sure if I'm learning anything. Today we did a bit of re-enforcement of stuff we've done over the last few weeks, like 'leave it' and walking on a loose lead. And then we learnt how to do some tricks??!!!

Tricks??!!  For goodness sake. Ann isn't interested in teaching me to do tricks. The only thing she wants me to learn at the moment..................... is NOT to jump up at random people when I'm out on my walks. Apparently we're doing that next week.

A few days ago I was running around in the park and then I just 'jumped up' at a man who was having a lovely little afternoon stroll with his wife. He went absolutely ballistic at me. Ann totally understood why he felt like that. I'm 15 months old now and I shouldn't be jumping up at anybody. I was only trying to be friendly. He tried to kick me away and yelled at Ann to keep me under control. Ann said, 'She's only young. Please just ignore her and she'll stop'. Well he didn't ignore me so I just thought he was playing a game with me.......................... and that just made him madder. Why is it always men who have a problem with how dogs are behaving. 


Anyway we could RANT about puppy training forever but we won't because my very lovely owner, Ann, is tired.

…............And this is a Blip of me with Angus (the dog trainer). He used me to demonstrate how easy it is to get onto the scales at the vets and be weighed. Apparently some doggies have a problem getting onto strange surfaces?!! I don't.

The only problem Ann has with me is.......................... jumping up at random people when I'm out on my walks.


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