2019 Thursday — Snow in SoCal
Take a close look, that’s snow in Southern California on the foothills. This photo is looking south from our front porch.
This afternoon rain poured, lightning flashed, and thunder roared while I met with my afternoon class, and in the foothills, snow fell.
We spent this evening home in front of the fireplace — snuggled and cozy.
The temperature is entirely too cold for Southern California. The weather people are predicting a weekend without rain; so we’ll see.
I’ve now completed two weeks of the spring semester. Going back to work after the long winter recess has been a difficult transition. There have been good moments and not so good. Teaching a class that starts at 7:20 in the morning on Tuesday is definitely one of the not so good moments.
Good night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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