
By sas05

its a turkey

amazing day in amazingstoke.... hard frost last nite and temps didnt climb above freezing, which made for an amazing palette to draw from,, nature donned its white clock and put on a show for us.. had a Good walk round in solitude today,, just me and the cameras , the peace and stillness of the freezing air made for a incedable well being and a joy joy feeling that only this season could bring.
have posted some more pix of the brilliant band Mostly Autumn on my flickr account..
well proud of this set ...
so after the peace and tranquility of this morning this afternoon was gave over to making a din on the drums.. thats good medicine ... looking forward to getting my second set tomorrow.. dont beleive in regrets,, ya cant change whats gone before,, but why didnt i learn to play drums so much earlier..slow developer me..

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