campervan man

By campervan

No change in the weather

The seaside when it is overcaste and misty has a sad wistful look that is quite pleasant but it was like this all day yesterday, quite a bit of the day before and now this morning. Well enough is enough. We are told that Monday will be superb, I will try and remember that as we arrive in Heathrow after a 24 hour flight. It will no doubt life my sprits.
Leaving aside my normal moaning the last couple of days were not that bad, yes sunshine would have been nice but we would have just sat around and relaxed in it, we did the same without it.
Drive back to Auckland. A few days ago I said I thought we were going to be staying in the city but we're actually in one of its western outskirts; today I thought the same and find we are even further to the west. The hotel, very nice it is too, is at the end of a long drive deep in the bush with wonderful views over Auckland. Just had probably the best meal for at least six weeks and am settling down for an early night. A lot of traveling to be done in the next couple of days but I will not be doing much of the driving

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