
By LuvU2

Happy Birthday my Best Friend

It is my best friend's birthday today! Thank you, C-A, for being such a faithful friend for close to 44 years!

She is very artistic, makes lovely paintings, of which I have three hanging on my bedroom wall. Today's blip is one of them!

We met each other as young, inexperienced girls, fresh from secondary school, at the age of roundabout 18! We worked together, our boyfriends got acquainted and became friends as well.

Will I ever forget our Sundays together, after I got married? The two couples spent most Sundays cooking up something new in my little kitchen, baking waffles or making interesting combinations of fruity drinks.

I had a baby son, M. Remember how J refused to touch the baby? Four years later I had a daughter, C, three months older than her first born daughter, L, after which they moved about 200km away. Three years after L, she had triplets, B&C, girls and J, a boy!

Tough, but glorious days!!!

Nowadays we are separated by about 4,000km, but distance doesn't bother us, we are friends forever!!

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