Pretty dress

Yesterday we had friends over for lunch and Dexter insisted on dressing up for them with one of Olivia's tutus. Hubby didn't mind too much as were just at home but today Dexter absolutely insisted on wearing what he calls a 'pretty dress' to go to a Birthday party this afternoon. Both he and Olivia had been invited to a party at Planet Kids to celebrate Juliette and Mia's birthday. Hubby tried to get the skirt off Dex in the car park before we went in but Dex, being quite strong willed and very loud, refused and so toddled around the soft play looking very, erm, pretty.

The above blip is of him this evening balancing on the bench watching the DVD player in 'his' skirt. An odd and presumably uncomfortable position but then again, he seems to be quite an odd little boy (but gorgeous)!

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