Red Squirrel


Fingers of Frost

Far better seen LARGE!

It's been solid, thick white frost for the last 48 hours - and the day light hours have been clear and sunny as a result, which is nice (albeit VERY cold) .... though trying to break into my car in the morning to go to work really is a pain in the arse isn't at all funny!`

When I went out to feed Tom this morning I took a good look around and saw some promising blip material so grabbed my camera and spent 10 minutes taking some shots.

I was torn between 3 different shots for my blip - this Hogweed seedhead, a glittering almost metal-like cobweb and a patch of the ice covering the water trough, which looked like layered shards of glass.

I settled on the Hogweed, as it reminded me of many tiny fingers of frost stretching out into the air ....

Today I have a music link - nothing to do with my blip, but a tribute to an incredible musician and a humble and spiritual man.
This is his stunning performance to close the Monterey festival in 1967.
R.I.P Ravi .

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