
Another stunning sunrise so that was a real treat.It was colder this morning but worth being outside to see the sky changing.A pheasant photobombed one of the photos as something must have spooked him and he clattered over my head.
I had enough time to do some gardening and while I was having a cup of tea I noticed the Sparrowhawk land on the fence half way up the field.I sat very still as he watched the birds at his feet, pigeons and two pheasants were diving with death but he was not interested. He flew close to ground and ended up in front of me, something n the bush had attracted his attention.He heard the camera after a few shots and then he was off.
I finished making the gifts for the adults for Thinking Day, I hoped that everyone would like them. Printed off some signs for the activity I was doing and then it was time to go.
A successful afternoon , tiring as there was no time for a break during the 4 hours I was there. My voice just about held out.The activity was quite a difficult one with subjects like violence towards women and Safety online to discuss, not so bad when you have Guides but difficult subjects for the Rainbows to understand.Not easy to hear the girls either as we were in the Sports hall and the other activities were quite loud.Everyone seemed to enjoy it though so that was good :)
Beautiful light in the evening too with the Firth as still as a millpond.

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