
By Houseonahill6

Having a scratch

A wet day and a few snow showers.
We had the dentist in Dingwall at 11am.The hygienist was ill so we could not see her.We met David there and went in one at a time.I’ve got to have a small filling, a hole that he was keeping an eye on has turned into a cavity so back next week to get it sorted :(
We were going to have lunch at the garden centre cafe but it was closed as a member of staff had died. We think it may have been a young man who died in a quad bike accident on Friday, so sad :(
We went to the deli in Strathpeffer and bought some soup, very tasty bread and some rolls and took them to the carpark at Loch Kinellan to eat.It started snowing when we were there and it was cold so I did not get out of the car.
We went to Tesco’s on the way back to get the things I needed for Brownies, dropped David off and then home.

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