An Evening with Unst S.W.I.

It's been a lovely sunny, warm and calm day.  And a beautiful night too.

Another day working in the museum office.  I've been getting ready for a talk tonight, and processed a few photo orders too.  Met mam for lunch.  After tea, I packed my bag and headed for Unst for the night.  Staying with sister Julie, but a quiet time, not like the weekend!  

I was invited to come back to the Unst S.W.I. (Scottish Women's Institute) to show photos, and the theme was wedding, to coincide with the museum wedding exhibition. Before the show, I judged the knitted toy and food competition, followed by tea and cake, which Julie baked, yummy.  At back L-R - Barbara Connell, Eve Stockley, Sheila Guyan, Joey Stickle, Minnie Mouatt, Irene Mouat, Beth Edwardson, Doreen Craig and Julie Thomson.  Front row L-R - Pat Ceresale, Mary Robertson, Eileen Anderson, Ursula (Osla) Henderson and Jean Edwards.  Taken in the Baltasound hall, Unst. 

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