A Dark And Rainy Night...

The morning was cool and beautiful.  I went out and raked 2/3's of the front yard leaves out to the road.  Our great big oaks have swelling new buds, pushing last years dead, spent leaves onto the ground.   I had an itch to do something so I grabbed my leaf rake and started....
     It was a great idea, until I got a blister on my right hand above the thumb.  I had to put the rake up and leave the rest of theleaves for another day.   Sometime after that the gray clouds rolled in, the drizzle started, then the rain,  then the rest of the day was wet and soggy.  I did get some errands run and grocery shopping done.  Because it was cold, wet and gray I had a hankering for a pot roast for dinner.
    The rain never let up the rest of the day.  Not much to blip.....   very few photo ops, what was I going to do?   I went and made some tea to see if I could think of or get some inspiration........
I looked out the kitchen window and there it was........   The perfect example of wet, a feel of cold, dark, and  a good reason to be in the house.   I whipped out my iPhone and got this photo.  I am thrilled at how well it came out.  I stood on my porch, took the photo across the street ......
I sure hope you enjoy my rainy evening!

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