Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Labs Unlocked:  tonight it was the UW college of the Environment Department of Fisheries  (School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences)  for 3 fascinating talks about: eating seafood as a sustainable and ethical choice, (Our area of the world is doing OK with sustainable fish, much of the rest is unknown)), research in understanding parasites and pestilence, including the oysters in our area …. and learning about the largest “library“ of fish in North America,…the 100th anniversary for this collection that now numbers 12.5 million specimens !  (extra... one of many many shelves, with earthquake bar,   and some tiny ones in the other journal)   Fascinating.  Too much to talk about…there are a LOT of very smart (and young) people out there doing amazing research!  I love to hear them  (and there’s always good food too)

The blip is the big mural in the fisheries building by Ray Troll, (artist from Ketchikan, AK)  of 131 species of Fishes of the Salish Sea.

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