Blast from the Past

Day 4 (well my day 3) of the MiniChallenge 2012, set by The Brady Bunch.

I spent ages wondering what I might blip for the "blast from the past" and then when the day dawned, pretty and so full of ice and chill, I knew exactly what I had to do.

My childhood was spent in the North Staffordshire countryside. We didn't have central heating - or double glazing - and I remember having to wrap up warm against the cold. Memory plays tricks and I still think that we don't have winters like we used to.

Deep snow. Digging out. Walking to school (well I remember walking the five miiles to Uttoxeter through the snow on one occasion). Everything with a layer of ice. Windows with the frost INSIDE and Jack Frost making artistic patterns everywhere.

I had a wander round the garden with the macro lens and this frozen rose, which had lingered unseasonally, was my choice

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